Liza Ambriz
Liza Ambriz
Liza Ambriz is a ceramic artist born in Mexico and raised in Madison, MS. She is a recent graduate of Mississippi State University where she
received her BFA in Fine Arts. Her work is an exploration of compassion and awareness toward invasive and displaced groups
through hand-built ceramic pieces. She encourages the connection between clay and nature through a lens of respect and memory. Her
work is influenced by scientific illustrations, traditional Mexican artistry, and religious symbolism.
Artist Statement
Invasive species can cause devastating effects on an ecosystem. They not only pose a threat to other species in the area, but also to the people that live there. However,
many of these species were introduced to these ecosystems by human error. Non-native species must search for new habitats where they can survive. I can’t help but feel
compassion for these animals. They’ve become the villain in a story that they did not choose to play a part in. It’s not their fault that they are there. My goal within my work
is to bring awareness and respect for these animals who ultimately play a negative role in the ecosystem by no fault of their own. They’re animals who are just following
their instincts after being displaced. Due to our selfish nature and thoughtlessness, we have sentenced them to an unfair death. I want to create a space to respect the
memory of these animals even if they ultimately do need to be removed from their environments. In my series of hand-built ceramic wall ofrendas, I will focus mainly on
invasive species that are brought about by human error. Altars and ofrendas are spaces of reverence, memory, and love. These are all emotions that, I believe,
even invasive species are deserving of, and I intend to create work that is not only a space for compassion and empathy, but also one of awareness and education.