Keshia Swanigan
Keshia Swanigan
Born in Aberdeen and raised in Columbus, MS. Lukuise Swanigan is a self-taught artist inspired
by nature and childhood memories. Before making the decision to become an artist, Lukuise
attended Ashworth Community College for floral design, a craft that she continued even after
In 2009, she had a vision and found ways to create art using wrapped fabric. She honed her craft
until deciding to start appearing at art shows in 2018.
Her process begins with a sketch. From there she transfers the image to her canvas and begins
the process of wrapping printed cotton fabric in vibrant colors into art. The time it takes to
complete a piece can take one week to four months, depending on the amount of detail.
Lukuise has dreams that one day her art will be used to commemorate a pivotal moment in
history or even be shown in a museum.
Artist Statement
Vivid Images
The influencing force behind my artwork is an enduring interest in people, the human spirit, its
emotional past, present and how it manifests in our relationships with others over time.
Each piece I create is simultaneously an extension of the past. Where I’ve come from, and what
I’ve learned. As well as a preview of the future, where I am yet to go.
My work is made to touch and be touched. If a viewer stops just for a moment to view and
reflect on one of my creations, then I have succeeded in my craft.